Computer course in the adult library

In the framework of the New Szechenyi Plan, the tender entitled ‘Könyvtári infrastruktúra fejlesztése Perkátán’ (code number: TIOP-1.2.3. A-11/1-2012-0139) with the advocacy of the European Union and with the 100% professional and financial assistance (8 000 000 Ft) of the European Social Fund – helped to implement the expansion of the librarys’ computers.
At the computers, for the users of the library, every visitor can access information of general interest and have the possibility of informal learning. We provide assistance with the usage of the computers. Those who were interested, could participate in a course for developing computer- and internet user skills, thanks to the tender entitled ‘Tudásdepó-Expressz’ (code number: TÁMOP-3.2.4.A-11/1-2012-0040) 

Under the leadership of Lászlóné Szakács – ECDL certificate owner, e-Magyarország Point consultant – the ‘Internet Fiesta’ course started in the fall of 2012. The course, aiming to develop the library users digital and information seeking skills, was open for the participants twice a week , for 4 weeks. The main goal of the ‘Internet Fiesta’ course was to popularize the online administration among disadvantegous people, in order to raise their chances for equality. Other goals were: to endear computer usage through reviewing commonweal websites and the development of problem solving skills.

006Following the trends!
For pensioners

007Job hunting on the internet!
For the unemployed

008Do the administration online!
For housewives, and for parents on maternity leave


The participants received a certification in proof for successfully completing the course.