
Dear children and youngsters!

On this page you can get useful information in connection with the competitions designed especially for you.
You can choose from plenty of different topics.

Before you get started, please take the advice you can find on this page:

Keep an eye on the deadlines!
Jot down the target date into your notebook one week prior to the hand-in date. Get down to work well in advance.
Don’t leave things for the last moment as nothing is worse than a partly-written competition. Finish it even if it’s not perfect.

Look at the age group!
Look what age group the competition is called for.
Apply only for those that are planned for children of your age.

Get down to work well in advance!
Don’t put off work until the last moment, gather information about the topic, have a look around on this page to find links to free e-books and browsers .

Gather ideas!
Jot down your ideas, make notes. Have brainstorming sessions with your family and friends, don’t forget to write down their ideas as well. Based on these you can put together a successful competition.

Have a group!
There are certain competitions that you have to do together in a group. Discuss what each of you is good at and share tasks. Groupwork is about working together.

Where to find competitions

Competition-watch page.  Information for all.
(Write the topic you are interested in to the search-engine)

Competition observer
(Write the topic you are interested in to the search-engine, e.g drawing competition, tale, novel, reading diary, comics, Earth Day, disaster protection)

Help with competitions for children, parents, teachers

Children Competitions

Kölyökbirodalom Competition
Photo competitions, Story-writing competitions, Drawing competitions

(You can find competitions for students under the „higher education” and „competitions” menu items.)