A sokszínű könyvtári programok felidézése


Latest events

In the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan, the tender entitled ‘Ötvenhat ok, amiért Perkátán érdemes olvasni’ (code number: TÁMOP-3.2.4. A-11/1-2012-0040)- with the advocacy of the European Union and with the 100% professional and financial assistance (38 779 761 Ft) of the European Social Fund – made the materialization of the propagative campaigns of reading, writer-reader meetings, lectures, quizzes and workshops possible at our library.

Our guests

Recalling our past in the library

Anikó Bogó – cultural manager, high school teacher of philosophy and history – was the conductor of the workshop entitled ‘Secunder roots of our home(land): about Perkáta’s history’ which was visited (twice, in the month of October, 2012) by Béla Horváth, history teacher, famous for his authentic old fashioned demonstrations.The educator, who received The Medallion for the Educator Career in 2010, gave a lecture on the Occupation of Hungary and on the ruling of Prince Géza and King Stephen to the participating high school students..


Those who were interested, could listen to Dóra Takács’ (history teacher) presentation on 8th January, 2013 – invited by the ‘Secunder roots’ workshop – on rousting out the Turks from Hungary .


In the month of May, 2013 the invited presenter of the ‘Secunder roots of our home(land): about Perkáta’s history’ workshop was Dr. Ágnes Varró etnographer. During the presentation called‘The ethnography of Perkáta’ we could learn a lot about the traditions, folklore and holidays of Perkáta. With the assistance of slide strips, every guest was able to get familiar with the traditional clothing of Perkáta.


At the next stage of the topic ‘The ethnography of Perkáta’, the cultural aspects of the history of Perkáta were summarized by the drama educator Ildikó Vátkainé Boda. She gave an interesting talk on the acting group of Perkáta, which was operating in the second half of the XXth century, and about the plays, and their regional references. We were informed, that the most remarkable piece was the ‘Matt the Goose-boy’ then(set on the market place), and that it is being played again nowadays, by the acting group of the elementary school.


Nature is our friend!

The workshop that aimed the propagation of reading,called the ‘Discovery of Hungary in the library’ – for the 10-13 years old – conducted by teachers, Judit Horváthné Horgos and Gabriella Hegedűs, invited Gábor Tóth three times, in the fall of 2012, who gave an interesting lecture on animals. During the first lecture he was talking about the different breeds of Hungarian dogs, and about their upbringing. The next topic was called ‘The masters of adapting’. Eventually for the last time, for the pleasure of every eager child, it was about the ornitology of our home gardens.


 In the month of November Sándor Klép, bird photographer, member of the Union of the Nature Photographers of Mezőföld was invited by the ‘Discovery of Hungary in the library’ workshop. The topic of his lecture was: The fauna of Fejér megye, through the eye of a photographer.

On 9th April, 2013, the works of Sándor Klép astonished the members of the workshop again. The topic of the exhibition was: “The natural formations of Hungary.” The photos of Sándor told us about the tales of the wonderlands of the caves, the mysterious underworld of waters and of other interesting formations.


We are hospitable!

Erika Jákliné PereiI, special-needs teacher, works with the training of Children Hampered in Learning. For the first campaign of the workshop, called ‘Discovery adventure-trips in the library’ – on 27th October, 2012. – the students of the cooperating school, – the Móra Ferenc Elementary school of Dunaújváros and EGYMI – and one of their teachers also attended. The workshop was held by László Kötél, associate of the TIT Fejér Megyei Egyesülete Csillagászati és Űrkutatási Szakosztály.The Week of the Space provided a great opportunity to have the presentation held..


 We are also interested in Astrology!

The next campaign of the ‘Discovery adventure-trips in the library’ was organised on 22nd April, 2013., which is known as the Earth Day. The students of the cooperating school, the Móra Ferenc Elementary school of Dunaújvárosand one of their teachers took part in the event. The interactive tasks were proven to be successful. The participating children gained a lot of useful information during the happy spirited meeting.


 We made toys from recycleable materials and we tried them later.

Adél Kálnay in the library

Teachers, Judit Horváthné Horgos and Gabriella Hegedűs invited the senior students for an other reading propagator workshop, ‘The Folk Traditions of Hungary’.Adél Kálnay, József Attila-Prize awarded writer – whose work is well recognized: she has been awarded with the Pro Cultura Intercisae-prize, the For the Education in Dunaújváros-prize, the Karácsony Sándor-prize among many others – was the guest of the workshop twice. For the first time she was talking about the magical world of tales for the children. On 14th November she had a lecture on the Day of the Hungarian Folk Poetry and the Hungarian Folk song. The invited guests were the senior students of the Vörösmarty Mihály Member School of the Public Cultural Center of Perkáta-Nagykarácsony-Aba.


 In the month of January, 2013. Adél Kálnay visited our library for an other illustrious occasion. Ildikó Vátkainé Boda – head of the ‘Bookworm’ workshop – invited the writer on the occasion of the Day of the Hungarian Culture. The popular presenter introduced her books for children, talked about her childhood, and how she started to write.


 In the spring of 2013., the members of the workshop ‘The Folk Traditions of Hungary’newly awaited Adél Kálnay. This time, the writer told them about the traditions and traditional activities appearing in the folk traditions and literature..


 We visited libraries

On the 13th of November, 2012., the members of the ‘Little Reading Circle’ ,guided by the librarian Edit Lászlóné Szabó , visited the library of Adony on the National Library Days, where they could compare the libraries for children. After being introduced to the library they could join in an interactive session entitled ‘Animal Tales in the library’ . The host were, the chief of the library, Katalin Pajerné Steer and librarian Piroska Stenczelné Nagy.


 On 10th of May, 2013., the ‘Little Reading Circle’ returned the favour. We welcomed our literature-lover friends from Adony.They were invited on the occasion of the Day of Birds and Trees. The participating children could take part in a thrilling quiz and on a book-display.


 Celebrating Christmas in the library

Hajnal Toldi Róza, catechism teacher and Edit Lászlóné Szabó, teacher, leaders of the workshop ‘The church years’ ethnic as the children see it’ guaranteed a real festive ambiance. On 27th November the topic was Advent. Antalné Denke, teacher, also a qualified florist , told us about the symbols of Advent and the decoration of our home.


 On the thematic week, named ‘The Christmas of the People’ teachers Judit Horváthné Horgos and Gabriella Hegedűs played with the children on five occasions for 45 minutes. A lot of people attended.


We even had a guest once: it was teacher Edina Szabó, who had a presentation entitled ‘Christmas Tunes Live’ .


 The members of the workshop surprised the library with a wonderfully decorated Christmas tree.

On 9th January, Father Ottó Pámer visited the workshop ‘The church years’ ethnic as the children see it’ , and talked about the epiphany. He mentioned the holy water, and its magical, healing and purifying power. He also talked about the general and then about the locally important traditions of blessing the house.


 Meeting Dr. Katinka Barna in the library

On 23rd January, 2013., the invited guest of the workshop ‘The Folk Traditions of Hungary’ was Dr. Katinka Barna. The presenter, who came from Dunaújváros, has been teaching One Brain kinesiologia for more than 10 years, and has a consulting room of kinesiology for children. The topic of her presentation was: popular beliefs and superstitions and their everyday effects. She revealed the complicated connections between our quotidian lives and the superstitions. She even pointed out the fact that superstitions are not childish, silly things, but very often are the logical conclusions of observation.


 The educators of the workshop ‘The Folk Traditions of Hungary’ invited Dr. Katinka Barna again, for Easter, 13th March, 2013., when she gave a fascinating lecture (‘Souls dressed up for celebration) on the festival of Easter, mentioning its origin, the traditions, customs and spiritual factors. Katinka writes books as well, and she presented two of her own books (entitled ‘Anya meséi Napsugárnak’ and ‘Napsugár és Holdacska’) to the library.


 Thanks to teachers Judit Horváthné Horgos and Gabriella Hegedűs we had a one week long ‘Mese-mese-mátka’ camp at the library. The success of the camp can be proven by the little storytellers that the children became. (And their stories can be found under the heading ‘We wrote this’)

On 24th and 25th June, 2013., Dr. Katinka Barna revealed the secrets of ‘Searching for Tales’. Her fascinating stories were not only about searching for tales but also about the conditions of internalizing a tale.


 During the second day of the camp she told us her favourite tales and then we mooned about what makes a tale a favourite.


 Easter in the library

On 20th March the ‘The church years’ ethnic as the children see it’ -workshop welcomed Dr. László Lukács, ethnologyst, who told us about the varied Easter folk traditions of Fejér county. He also presented our institution with his publications (‘Sárfőtől Mezőföldig’, ‘Néprajzi látásmód az ezredfordulón’ and ‘Tárgyak életformák, népszokások’)


 Celebrating Pentecost

On 30th April ‘The church years’ ethnic as the children see it’ was supported by Irén Fülöp, teacher of Hungarian grammar and literature. She summarized the traditions of pentecost, and its features in the different shires and cheered us up with poems and songs about pentecost.


 Spring programmes for the small ones

On 21st March, teacher Ági Tóth Ferencné (invited by the ‘Little Reading Circle’) propagated reading with Mária Szepes’ series of ‘Pöttyös Panni’. First and second graders took part in an interactive event. The presenter had chosen the parts of ‘Pöttyös Panni’ which are close to the everyday life of the children. Then they answered questions, told their opinions and took part in games. At the end of the session they competed in Pöttyös Panni jigsaws.


On 30th of May we celebrated Children’s Day with the Cibere Meseszínház, at the ‘Little Reading Circle’ . They presented Ferenc Móra’s story in a form of a play with puppets and music, entitled the ‘A Sosevolt király bánata‘. The play proved to be a pleasant and entertaining experience, and the children participated in it with singing and dancing.


 A returning guest: László Kassovitz

On 11th January, 2013. László Kassovitz (invited by ‘Little Reading Circle’ , on the Day of the Hungarian Culture) writer and storyteller surprised us with his stories about Pamacs. We had jolly conversations over the tale, talewriting and dogs in the library. After getting familiar with the trilogy of Pamacs, the children were tested by the writer. Merry and rhyming riddles were told but it was not too much for the little students of Perkáta: they guessed all the answers correctly, as always. Before saying goodbye László presented our library with his book,called ‘Pamacs és a Kócmajom’. However László Kassovitz was invited again, this time by the ‘Bookworm’ workshop, on the Day of the Hungarian Poetry (18th April), where he told us some of his not so well- known tales.


 Teen-talk in the library

The members of the workshop ‘The Folk Traditions of Hungary’ met twice the seniors of the Vörösmarty Mihály Tagiskola, in the month of May, 2013. They were talking about the superstitions linked to the namedays of the months of autumn and winter and there were reminiscences as well. The programs organized in the House Of Santa were found to be extremely interesting.


 It was interesting to compare the local traditions with the ones told by our guests.

The members of the workshop ‘Classical and Contemporary Literature in the Library’ led by Dóra Takács, teacher of history and Hungarian literature, were very excited on 16th May, 2013.

Every teenager awaited Edit Sohonyai, the Príma-prize awarded writer of Fejér county, who continuously tries to illustrate the beauties and hardships of teenagers in her novels. We could have a look at the depths of her books, and she gave some humorous advice to the teenagers, concerning their problems.


After the presentation, the children competed to get the writers’ books.